Boast In Christ

Give Your Life to Christ

Stop Trying to Fill The Gaps In Your Life With Things That Only Christ Has the Power to Fill

Accept Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Savior Today!

Some of The Gifts You Receive

When You Follow Christ

(Look Up Each Verse)


Philippians 4:7


Psalm 51

Reconciliation with God

Matthew 27:51

The Holy Spirit

1 Corinthians 10-12

Eternal Life

John 3:16


Romans 3: 22-24


1 Peter 2:9


Genesis 1:27


1 John 4:8

Nothing Can Replace The Love of Jesus

The best thing about all of the benefits of following Christ is that there is nothing you can do to earn them. You can’t be “good enough” because it just takes one act of disobedience to be separated from God because his standard is perfection.  These benefits are free gifts.

We are all broken sinners in need of a savior whether you know it or not. Many spend their whole life search for something to fill the emptiness inside.

  • Money won’t do it
  • Family alone can’t make it happen
  • The dream house is only dreamy for so long
  • Cars rust rot and depreciate
  • Popularity will not fill you
  • That pseudo father figure will let you down

The News You Need to Hear

The good news of Jesus Christ is simple. God’s word is true and if he would just forget about all of our sins that would make him a liar about his standards of perfection. For sin to be forgiven someone had to pay for that sin. God sent his only Son Jesus Christ as flesh and bone and he live just like we live. He was tempted just like we are tempted and he did not sin even once. He lived a perfect life!

Though he lived a perfect life, people hated him and broken sinners killed him. He rose three days later proving what he said all along that he is the Son of God. All that believe in him will have eternal life, peace, love, purpose, identity, a new master, grace, hope reconciliation to God and so much more. But it only comes through Jesus Christ. There is no other way! Only one person could live a life that was able to wipe away your sins.

Prayer to Accept Jesus

Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God. I believe you died for my sins and rose again 3 days later. Forgive my sins for I am a broken sinner in need of savior. I have done nothing to earn your forgiveness, that is available to me only because of your grace.

From this day forward I commit to pursue you and to walk through this world as Jesus Christ did. Thank you for The Holy Spirit and for providing me with a guide that makes following you possible. I thank you for your goodness. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!


Please follow the steps below to complete the process:

Accept Jesus and Say The Prayer Above

Say the prayer above out loud. Know that the Christian walk is not an easy one but it will be worth it.

Enter Email Below For Next Steps!

We will send you a few emails to make sure that you know what your next steps will look like.

Connect With a Local Church

The Christian walk can’t be done alone. You are a part of the body of Christ so you will need others.

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Commit to Boast in Christ and Spread The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Some of The Benefits of Following Jesus Christ


Philippians 4:7


Psalm 51

Reconciliation with God

Matthew 27:51

The Holy Spirit

1 Corinthians 10-12

Eternal Life

John 3:16


Romans 3: 22-24


1 Peter 2:9


Genesis 1:27


1 John 4:8

A Different Approach to Spreading The Gospel

Any good salesman has one job, and that is to help understand the needs of others and provide solutions for those needs. When presenting the Gospel, the benefit that is often focused on is eternal life but that is not always appealing to everyone in the moment.

When you understand the many benefits of following Jesus you can listen to the needs of others and provide many different on ramps to the Gospel truth.

You are no longer stuck trying to convince people of how important eternity is. Some people don’t have fathers, but when we believe in Jesus we are adopted and we gain a new father (Psalm 68:5). Some people are lonely and in need of others (Matthew 28:20).

The Key is that you LISTEN to peoples needs! Then you find a suitable solution.

Use Your Gifts to Boast in Christ

They are called gifts because you did nothing to earn them. They were handed to you by God, so the least you can do is use them for his glory (1 Corinthians 10:31).

These are not just spiritual gifts. These are everyday earthly gifts that are often used to glorify ourselves. The commitment is to find a way to take these talents and use them to boast in Christ and spread the gospel.

It does not matter what the talent is, Jesus can use every ounce of it for his Glory. You just need to be committed to being used in that way.

Commit to Use Your Talents to Spread The Word

You commit to use your talents to share The Gospel and disciple more believers.

Enter Email Below For Next Steps!

We will send you a few emails to help you use your talents to boast in Jesus Christ.

Go and Make Disciples of All Nations

The Great Commission calls us to make disciples of all nations and Baptize. Use your gifts to do this.

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